Si L’Amour


Si L’Amour

If Love is known to be Patient…if Love is known to be kind…
Then why can’t it be nice & be ready & waiting…
Instead of driving us all out of our minds?

If Love is known not to be envious, boastful or proud…
Then why is the Love all around us so loud?

If Love is known not to dishonor others…
If Love is known not to be self seeking or easily angered…
Then why is there child porn, trafficking or dowries…
Why are women so often endangered?

If Love is known not to keep record of wrongs…
Then why pre-nups, divorce papers & Love songs?
If Love is known not to delight in evil…
Then why does subjugation still go on?

If Love is known to rejoice in the truth…
Then why did the Bible’s authors bury the lead on Ruth?

If Love is known to always protect & trust…
If it always hopes & preserves…
Then explain to me abuse, lies & apathy…
Why adoration can turn to frayed nerves.

If it is known & foretold & written on two thousand year old papyrus that Love never fails…
Then why heartbreak & break-ups & love unrequited & marriages gone clear off the rails?


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I see the world through a Painter’s eyes and process it with a Poet's's quite a harsh place for the soul. It scratches and wears your true self down, at times, but the Beauty is Addictive. I feel for everyone I encounter. Everyone I encounter is a teacher if I'll let them be. I Empathize with everyone I talk to & I Think about Everything-LEVi

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